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    Janson Pottery


    I like to people watch. These days all of the technological gadgets are all the rage. To date, I have not latched onto any of these items. I do own an ipad, ipod, have cable or satellite and do not know how to text, nor am I interested in learning. Nothing brings me more joy than to spend time with those I love or to be working in a field that brings me joy on a daily basis. I especially love to spend time with my highly energetic daughter whom I love dearly. We love to spend time creating wonderful edible items in the kitchen together.

    More recently, school began and this would be the first year that she went all day every day. I thought that she would be homesick or miss me. In actual fact, it was me who missed her. For a long time, it has felt like she was an actual extension of me.

    We learn so much from our children. They teach us how to let go of life and all of the busyness that comes with it. They teach us how to love on a completely different level when we think we have it all figured out.
    One day when I was waiting for the school, I saw a parent texting away while they were waiting with their child. When the bus came and her daughter was leaving, she yelled to her that she loved her. Our children grow up so fast and the grand scheme of life, each and every moment that we are truly connected to them will affect their lives. I choose to be technology free when it comes to parenting.
