Signs of Life
I have been missing writing here for some time. Behind the scenes, I have been busy working on new ideas and designing new pieces as well as working on a standard list of pieces that I have been producing.
We had a particularly long winter and I think it is suffice to say that it has been this way through most of not only Canada but North America. I have shuffled more than my share of snow this winter and although I love the exercise, I like many other people, have had enough. Sometimes we have this thought that if we just send Mother Nature a note, she will stop sending us snow! When I do venture out almost always on my snowshoes, I see signs of life everywhere and it makes me realize that we are not the only ones longing for spring.

I have been working on planters in the last little while as well as vases thinking that somehow if I fill my home with flowers, the snow will melt and spring will show itself sooner rather than later.