The Psychology of Colour: Turquoise
I love turquoise. I love its freshness and ability to brighten up a palette of colours. In terms of colour psychology it’s fantastic, if a little under-used at times. Turquoise is a mix of blue, green and yellow, and because of that communicates many of their attributes. It radiates the calm, communicative qualities of blue with the growth and balance of green, the hint of yellow provides the essential uplift that we associate so well with the colour.

Turquoise is known for inspiration, innovation and creativity. It denotes fresh ideas and efficiency. It’s great for communication, clarity of thought and is also calming. Turquoise can be compassionate, healing and self-sufficient, which is why it’s often used in the Mind, Body and Spirit sector.

Negatively turquoise can be perceived as aloof, demanding even, unreliable or deceptive. It can also be associated with boastfulness, so as with every colour and season, it’s essential to use with care. From the richest teals to the softest aquas, there is a turquoise for every season and so use this awesome colour to its fullest extent.