Wake Up Calls
So here we are on the last day of 2011. In my part of Central Ontario, it seems as though winter has just arrived and I for one am thankful for that. If you don’t make friends with snow, it can be a very long winter.

At the beginning of this year, I had a wake up call with my health and over the course of this year, I shed 23 lbs. I have maintained this and it is my intention moving into 2012 to continue to better my health, diet and exercise program. Some might say that this sounds like a New Year’s resolution but in actual fact it is a commitment to myself that I intend to keep. I have an awesome family and we are looking forward to working together to maintaining excellent health.
2011 has been an interesting year. I managed to continue down the path of continuing to combine my ceramic work with metal. I did take a course in Haliburton, Ontario that I was quite disappointed with and in the end decided to cut my loses and move on to where I wanted to be. I discovered Gillian Batcher’s “Jewel Envy” in Toronto http://jewelenvy.ca/ and spent a day with Kathryn Rebecca http://www.kathrynrebecca.com/?page_id=153and had a enjoyable and informative day.
We managed to go to Quebec for a week to the Laurentian mountains and it is truly a part of Canada that I would like to go back to and further explore.

This autumn, I had an overnight in Toronto with my family and managed to squeeze in going to the “One of a Kind” show and also to the “Distillery District” http://www.thedistillerydistrict.com/ It was wonderful to feel inspired by so many wonderful Canadian Artists.
I have some new ideas for work in the upcoming year and I will look forward to sharing them with you.

All in all, I would have to say that 2011 was a good year. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported my work. I think that buying handmade reconnects us with our deep connection to what matters in life and supports our local economies. I wish you the very best in 2012.